Working for You

Many public policy issues are complex and easily get diluted with special interests and red tape. Below are some top-level overviews of my position related to important issues that impact us all. However, I would also like to hear from you and know what matters to you.

Our Democracy

Democracy requires engagement. We need to have confidence in our politicians and institutions. The last few years have eroded not only our perception of our government, but also the effectiveness of our government agencies and departments. A democracy requires participation and the belief that our government is working for us. Leaders need to ensure that those charged with implementing public policy have the tools, funding and resources they need to do so effectively. For example:

Leaders must be held accountable for false statements and incendiary actions
More attention and support is required to ensure that government agencies can be more efficient and effective
Support for an increase in civics education and engagement
A greater push for truth in political advertising


Our future depends on education. Education is critical to ensuring our communities and our country continue to prosper. Our public schools need to be better funded and educators need higher pay and more resources.  Arizona’s children deserve to have safe, equitable and thriving public schools. 


Women’s rights are human rights. The right for a woman to choose her healthcare includes her right to plan a family and make decisions related to her body.

We are at such a critical time with reproductive rights. We must work together to ensure women have access to safe health care services and that decisions around pregnancy are between a woman and her doctor – not politicians or the government.

Health Care

Better Health Care for Arizonans. The healthcare industry is one of Arizona’s largest and fastest growing sectors. While it is a key economic driver in the state, it is also a very complex industry that touches the lives of all Arizonans. Support and oversight from the state will be required to ensure that our health care institutions are able to thrive and provide the highest quality health care services to all of Arizona’s citizens.

Among other issues, the Department of Health Services (DHS) has been underfunded and understaffed for years. As the key agency responsible for regulating and licensing assisted living homes, hospitals, substance abuse and mental health facilities, childcare, disease prevention, and many other areas many of us deal with at certain points in our lives, it is imperative it has the resources to do the job. Better health care requires:

Better service and standards
Greater oversight and stronger regulations
Clearer processes and transparency
More accountability and results
Economic opportunity and growth


Safe Livable Communities. There is nothing that makes our communities more livable and safe than first responders. Without them, we could find ourselves or a loved one in peril. First responders should have the resources and support they need to do their jobs and save lives. They are ground zero for Arizona’s neighborhoods, businesses, schools, and public spaces.

Every day they work to protect us, save us from harm, and support us in our daily lives. We need ensure they have what they need to effectively serve.  

Community programs
Transparency and accountability
Greater funding


Rebuild the Middle Class. Every year, it seems the playing field gets less and less competitive. Our middle class continues to be diminished and is quickly disappearing. Large corporations and those at the top of the income brackets are driving public policy decisions that put profits above people. We need to support strong economic security initiatives for our communities and for Arizona. To start, we need to:

Support stronger labor unions
Close corporate tax loopholes and address corporate welfare activities
Build an environment that supports and incentivizes small business development
Reduce burdensome regulations that stall economic progress


A Cleaner More Sustainable Arizona. We need to be mindful of the resources our state has and the sustainability of those resources over time and in conjunction with our growth. Arizona needs to be thoughtful in how it plans its development and addresses its climate challenges. For example:

Solar energy expansion
Water conservation and smart development
Investment in sustainable technologies
Public / private partnerships
Cost effective utilities

Immigration and
Border Security

Safe, Secure and Legal Immigration.  Border security and immigration are two issues that are deeply entangled in political rhetoric. Our immigration system is overloaded and broken. Processes and guidelines need to be reviewed, assessed, and updated to meet the current challenges. However, first our political parties and leaders need to come together to develop sustainable policies and actionable plans. This country was built on immigration and currently has the largest immigrant population of any country.  


A Focus on Housing. Across the country, affordable housing has become a great challenge. Having a roof over one’s head is a fundamental right. It is something that should concern all of us when, as a community, we are unable to provide for so many of our fellow humans – especially as one of the wealthiest countries in the world. While there are a variety of circumstances that lead to unaffordable housing, homelessness, low inventories, and insufficient shelters – it is critical that we work hard to prioritize and address the full constellation of these elements in order to solve the problem. All too often, we make judgements and try to “band aid” the problem. We need to address the root cause and ensure the path to affordable housing is available and systematically addressed in our society.

Increase affordable housing inventory
Address homelessness triggers and root causes
Improve homeless resources

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